2005   PhD in French Literature, New York University. With Honors
Doctorat ès Lettres, Toulouse II. Mention Très Honorable, avec les félicitations du jury
► Dissertation: Autobiographie, Roman, Autofiction
2001   MPhil in French Literature, New York University
1999   DEA de Lettres, mention Littérature française moderne et contemporaine, Toulouse II
► Dissertation: Léon Bloy au-delà de la satire
1998   Maîtrise de Lettres modernes, Toulouse II
► Dissertation: Sur la satire dans les Histoires désobligeantes de Léon Bloy
    Licentiate of Integrated European Studies, University of St Andrews, Scotland, UK
1997   Licence de Lettres modernes, Toulouse II
    DEUG d’Anglais, Toulouse II
1996   DEUG de Lettres modernes, Toulouse II
Click on the degrees above to see scans of my diplomas.
Click for a scan of my certificate as an examiner for the DELF A1, A2, B1, B2 (2010), and C1, C2 (2012).
Click here for a scan of my academic transcripts (PDF file).
Click here for a scan of my GRE results (1998).
Click here for a scan of my CPE results (1998).